It would be good to start these reflections with the following quotes (Wilson, Jan 2002):
[My freshman Physics instructor dogmatically warned the class "do not use an equation you cannot derive". The same instructor once stated that "if a person had five minutes to solve a problem, that their life depended upon, the individual should spend three minutes reading and clearly understanding the problem"..."With respect to modern structural engineering, one can restate these remarks as "do not use a structural analysis program unless you fully understand the theory and approximations used within the program"]
It has been quite a while since starting my career; through which, I have attempted, or more precisely, life has taken me across a number of challenges, in a pursuit for engineering excellence that I hope would be reached one day. One of these dares is trying to track, or maybe confirm, the actual development in structural engineering, in light of the astronomical advancement of #CAD / #FEA and debate of responsibly deploying them. A debate usually witnessed among young and “older” professionals.
Let us imagine a journey in time, no farther than the late 1970’s; maybe similar discussions on the analysis and design aids were, as well, very much on the table. Examples include the use of ready design charts like column interaction diagrams versus establishing case-specific ones, or crack width tables for water-retaining structures, #Pucher_Charts for plate elements, and helical stairs analysis charts, etc... The older chaps back then used to, most probably, criticize the heavy reliance on these things “without understanding the basics”, albeit many of them now pride themselves on the ability to use the “old fashioned” charts versus “blind” #FEA software packages, by suggesting that using them is more sensible.
We have been living the same debate, and we will continue to do so. Yes, we see every day those who analyze deep beams as elastic shell elements, or even by applying WL^2/8 to design them, and yes, some analyze seismic excited structure with little or no information about basic vibration theory. We come across many of those who claim to design according to certain codes and in reality, they simply change the design option in the software without reading the code itself or having a copy of it. But after all, there are great engineers who attribute lots of their experience and development to FEA-provoked ideas and techniques.
It is not disputed that #FEA method has participated in expanding our theoretical knowledge and efficiency. For instance, we have a more accurate appreciation of materials behavior by modeling the non-linear parameters virtually without having to do full-scale testing; we can resolve n degrees of indeterminacy in no time. We have a much better understanding of the external loads applied to our structures; we can simulate them without shaking tables. We've recently started to consider adopting performance-based design (#PBD) over strict reliance on codes. Some have already ditched the inertia reduction factors suggested by seismic codes and found several ways to calculate them accurately. Others discovered that the “weak storey” doesn’t apply for the floors below and above Outriggers in Outrigger-braced Supertall buildings (Choi, Hi Sun, Goman Ho, Leonard Joseph, and Neville Mathias, 2014). Moreover, the #FEA use is evolving; we started to reconsider the deployment of existing analysis techniques like response spectrum analysis and have NL #time_history as a standard approach instead. We could very soon have topology optimization as a fundamental tool in every project. All of this has been made possible by the power of computers and #FEA, these horses that we ride extremely well sometimes, and awfully bad most of the time. In short, we must acknowledge that we are learning so much by interacting with #FEA packages. Something like putting the hands on a #Ferrari wheel for the first time, you must be trained, sluggishly at the beginning, until mastering it. You will later admit that you have never been a driver up until sitting on that red leather seat!
But here is the big question: Are the majority of structural engineers getting really better? I guess not at all, the overwhelming situation is worrying. There is a whole generation of structural engineers who can't make a single step without ETABS, SAP, RAM, and SPACE GASS, etc.. This is why it will be inevitable one day to enforce formal certification for using software packages. I guess we will see -in the future- licensed FEA Engineers pledged to abide by a code of conduct and committed to CPD in FEA particularly, just like #Chartered / #PE engineers around the world.
On a separate note, I guess the public see things in a simpler way: designers now, and in the past, are just the same, how can we say that is not true if we stand next to the 9-decades-old #Empire_State? It is undoubtedly a great engineering task, designed and completed in mere 20 months (S Ghosh, K Robson, 2015) with no, whatsoever, any aid of the advanced #FEA packages we wear on our heads every day. Is that a valid claim? Obviously not, because if we design the very Empire State today, adopting the same lateral system, we would have accounted, to say the least, for the stiffness contribution of the cinder concrete encasement put around all of its steel frame elements (Taranath, 1998) without calculations. This encasement has increased the intended lateral stiffness by 4.8 times. Taranath says: “The structural steel frame with riveted joints, while encased in cinder concrete, was designed to carry 100% of gravity and 100% wind load imposed on the building. The encasement, although neglected in strength analysis, stiffened the frame particularly against wind load. Measured frequencies on the completed frame have estimated the actual stiffness at 4.8 times the stiffness of the bare frame” (Taranath, 1998, p. 10).
Moreover, the same building today would have been designed for the accurate application of horizontal loads, followed by proper analysis and optimization. Not only this, it could have been provided with more efficient lateral systems without fearing the complex analysis and try-error cycles by hand.
To #FEA or not to be? I am sure you know the answer, but let us regulate it at least within our professional organizations, until there is something formal one day in the near future.
Works Cited
Choi, Hi Sun, Goman Ho, Leonard Joseph, and Neville Mathias. (2014). Outrigger Design for High-Rise Buildings: An Output of the Ctbuh Outrigger Working Group (2 ed.). New York: Routledge.
S Ghosh, K Robson. (2015). Analyzing the Empire State Building Project from the Perspective of Lean Delivery System—A Descriptive Case Study. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 1-14.
Taranath, B. S. (1998). Steel, concrete, and composite design of tall buildings. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Wikipedia. (2018). Empire State Building. Retrieved June 1, 2018, from
Wilson, E. L. (Jan 2002). Three-Dimensional Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures (3rd Edition ed.). Berkeley, California, USA: Computers and Structures, Inc.