Hi ,
In all cases, the bursting reinforcement in the X direction, for example, should be divided by 2 to distribute it between two faces. The resulting number should then be divided by the wall height, and that number will be the reo needed in square millimetres per metre of height.
For example, if the default wall height is 3 metres and the total bursting reo is 3000, you need 1500 sq. mm per face. Divide this by 3, and you will get 150 sq. mm per metre of height. However, if you provide N12-200, you will be providing 565 sq. mm, which is higher than the result.
Note that the spacing should not exceed the maximum spacing specified in the code, and fys is set by default in the program as 250 MPa. You can reduce this depending on the crack control specifications mentioned in the code (moderate, high, low degree of crack control, etc.).