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f'c (N/mm²)
fy (N/mm²)
fys (N/mm²)
Geometry (Units mm)  
Beam Width
Beam Depth
Clear Span
No. of Truss Cells
Width of Nodes at Mid Span
Width of Nodes at Edges
Working Span (Truss Width)
Depth of Flexural Reo mm
Truss Depth
Applied Loads
ULS Moment -Left (Larger)
ULS Moment -Right (Smaller)
Corresponding ULS Shear (KN)
SLS Moment-Left
SLS Moment-Right
SLS Shear


Analysis & REO





1- This module is adopting STM model introduced through following ACI Paper:
Lee, H. J., Kuchma, D. A., Baker, W. F., & Novak, L. C. (2008). Design and analysis of heavily loaded reinforced concrete link beams for Burj Dubai. ACI Structural Journal, 105(4). https://doi.org/10.14359/19859
2- Beam theory, although does not seem applicable for deep beams, results in a more conservative design for this very case, therefore user is encouraged to make comparisons with results from Section 8 of the AS3600-2018
3- User may justify via calcs or testing that the nodes, and struts, are confined, to claim the maximum node stress of ϕ1.8 fc.
4- V = (M1+M2) / Span, user can't change this to maintain equilibrium. Use judgment to design for shear.
5- You might have the shear increased by overstrength factor, to make the beam fail on flexure first, hence you could justify lesser flexural reo than in calcs here.
6- Struts must not overlap